Achievements & Archives
Aalingana – Free School
Socially Responsibility – is Character in Action! Aalingana in Sanskrit means an affectionate ‘Embrace' – ascribing the title to Abhyasa – opening her arms towards the economically under – privileged children from the rural neighborhood of Toopran. A completely cross subsidized Free School has been established on the school campus from class I onwards with an effective strength of 20 – 25 Students per class. Students to the free school are admitted after screening applications received from the neighborhood. Well qualified and trained teachers are appointed to transact classes in the syllabus offered by the State Government of Andhra Pradesh. All academic resources that exist on the campus are offered to the free school students and they are provided with free uniforms, free books 7 stationery and free meals twice a day. The transactional delivery of the curriculum is monitored by the school authorities on a daily basis to ensure good results.