

School Updates

Republic Day Celebrations 2014

To make this day more memorable, every year we celebrate this day with a Visit to the Local Police Station, and attend the Flag Hoisting done by the police.

After that we have a short Marathon Run from the Police Station to our School and whoever wins the race will be given the honour to hoist the Flag in school. We gave intimation to the police station a day before and the DSP Mr Venkat Reddy and the CI Mr Sanjay Kumar happily obliged to give the Start for this Run. It was a well disciplined Flag Hoisting at the Police Station.

Then the Police Jeep went ahead with all the police staff to clear the way for our students to Run through the main road of Toopran. As the DSP Signalled the flag all the boys and girls started their run with full efforts. Master Samanvith from Class XI Sci won the race by reaching the gate first and Miss Aishwarya Wadiyar from Class IX was the first from Girls Group. It is indeed a great honour to hoist the flag of our school in front of all assembly and staff. After that it was March past of entire school. It was wonderfful to watch all the students walk in perfect rhythm on the drums.

After that few students from the free school sang a beautiful Telegu patriotic song and after that the students from class IV , V and VI performed an English Patriotic Song which was also well applauded by everyone. Then Devi Divija from Class XI gave a short speech in Telegu followed by Vaishnavi Verma's speech in English.

Ms. Sai Pooja and Chandrika hosted the function with all introductions and took us through the program. In the evening we had a cultural programme in which the students demonstrated their talents in different areas. It was Yoga demonstration given by Class VI and two skits were performed by both the houses Shiva and Shakti houses.

After this a daring performance was given by our students. A special Quiz Compitetition was organised by Mr Ravindran and all boys participated which was won by the class XII Boys.

Rhythm on the drums

Class XI gave a short speech in Telugu followed by Vaishnavi Verma's speech in English.

Demonstration given by Class VI And two skits were performed by bothe the houses Shiva and Shakti houses.

After this a daring performance was given by our students

A special Quiz Competition was organised by Mr Ravindran and all boys participated which was won by the class XII Boys.