School Updates
"Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking." Abhyasa always preaches this to her wards. Don't try to be different. Just be good. To be good is different enough. Abhyasa follows the same which took Abhyasa to join the Sri Satya Sai Vidya Vahini Programme. As part of this programme Sri Satyjit, Sri Kodi RamaKrishna and Sri Prasanth visited Abhyasa on 28.08.2011. They were served delicious breakfast after they arrived to the campus.
Sri Satyajit reviewed the sports practice, watched the puppet show conducted by students and visited all the Labs (Maths Lab, Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Biology Lab, Language Lab and Computer Lab) at Abhyasa. He expressed his happiness with the capacity and quality of Library at Abhyasa and the Air Conditioned auditorium. Sri Satyajit appreciated the planned and well suited conduction of daily schedule according to the needs and necessities of students at Abhyasa.
All the time Sri Satyajit was accompanied by founder Principal Sri Vinaayaka Kalleetla explaining how Abhyasa trains students for their overall development of their character. Sri Satyajit also reviewed the school cinema project and visited smart class facility at Abhyasa. Sri Satyajit could not spend much time with the students for the Question and Answer session as he had another appointment to attend. But he gave a message to the students to utilize the resources, infrastructure of Abhyasa to develop the quality of their future.
Let us have some glimpses of his visit...
Principal explains about the vision and mission of Abhyasa and how Abhyasa is achieving the same..