School Updates
68th Independence Day Celebration
Abhyasa celebrated the 68th Independence Day on 15th August, 2014 with great enthusiasm, spirit and patriotism. The program started with all the students assembling near the National Flag. The Indian National Flag was unfurled by our respected Principal sir followed by National Anthem. Various patriotic skits were performed by Grade IV, V and VI students, Patriotic songs were sung by group of students from Grade VII to IX , speeches and dances were performed by the senior students. The program also had an extempore competition and Fancy dress on the theme "National leaders and Freedom Fighters" where in student participants dressed as Mahatma Gandhi, Pandit Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sardar Patel, Bhagat Singh, Jhansi Rani, Sarojini Devi, Indira Gandhi etc.