School Updates
Guru Divas 2014
Akhanndda-Mannddala-Akaaram Vyaaptam Yena Cara-Acaram
Tat-Padam Darshitam Yena Tasmai Shrii-Gurave Namah.
(Salutations to the Guru) Whose Form is an Indivisible Whole of Presence, and By Whom is Pervaded the Moving and the Non-Moving Beings, By Whom is Revealed (out of Grace) That Feet (of Indivisible resence); Salutations to that Guru.
It's the day to express gratitude to all the Teachers in our life. If we are proud of what we are today, we ought to thank our teachers. Yes it's Teachers Day and Abhyasites have honored them in style with a delightful and colorful offering.
Teachers Day was celebrated as Guru Divas in Abhyasa on September 5, 2014, in a traditional way by doing Guru Pada puja. It was marked with ritualistic offering of a student washing a Guru's feet. Each student offered flower petals, kumkum, akshat and prostrated obeisance at their Gurus feet. This traditional program was followed by felicitating all the teachers by the Director, Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla. Thereafter the students performed cultural program in which dances, skit and songs were presented.