School Updates
Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Baba's Jayanti Celebrations 23rd, Nov 2014
Abhyasa celebrated Shri Sathya Sai Baba's 89th Jayanti on 23rd November, 2014. The day started with Nagar Sankeerthan in the morning by all the staff and students.
A beautiful Palkhi was decorated to carry Baba's photo. The students took turn to carry the palkhi on the lanes and by-lanes of the Toopran village. The children started with Vedic Chanting and filled the air with Spirituality. The people came out of their homes to have Baba's Darshan and HIS Blessings. It was a heavenly morning and I am sure everyone involved felt the love of Bhagwan Shri Satya Sai Baba's blessings. The students distributed 89 blankets to poorest of the poor while doing the Nagar Sankeerthan.
The evening program started at 4:30pm with lighting of lamps, bhajans and devotional songs sung by the students. The bhajans was followed by the closing ceremony and the Prize Distribution ceremony of the Toopran Mandal Youth Games 2014 wherein the winners of the various events were awarded with Trophies and Certificates and Medals. Mrs Shivamma, Sarpanch of Toopran, G. Srinivas, Toopran Mandal President and SI of Toopran PS were the Chief Guests for the evening. Then Mr. Dinkar Kadam, the counselor of the school spoke about Sri Sathya Sai Baba and HIS teachings for the benefit of today's students.
The main attraction of the evening was the performance of the epic play 'Maya Bazaar' by the Surabhi Theatre Group, Hyderabad. The parents and the local people were invited for the evening program. The audience was mesmerized by the special effects and the dialogues. During the program Prasadam was distributed to the audience.
The evening program culminated with Mangala Arti to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba by our Director and Founder Principal Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla followed by a sumptuous dinner.