School Updates
Graduation and Farewell Ceremony - 2016
"All good things have to come to an end". It was time to bid adieu two outstanding batches namely Agriya (X) and Anokhya (XII).
Another glorious year came to an end as the 107 students graduated from the realms of Abhyasa. The current batch of Class XI and Class IX students set the stage and decorated it for the evening. Prof. S. Satyanarayana Rao, Vice Chancellor of Rajiv Gandhi International Institute of Information Technology, Basara was the chief Guest & Abhyasa Chairperson Dr. R. Prabhakar Rao IPS presided over the function. The other distinguished guests were Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla, CEO and Founder Director of Abhyasa, Prof. Shastri, Abhyasa Governing Body Member and Dr. Kanta Rao. The program started with a procession of all the graduating students and the guests from the Administrative Block till the Amphitheater dais. The annual 'Akshaya' magazine was unveiled by the Chief Guest after the school song was sung by the students. Later the Akshaya magazine, testimonial and gifts were presented to all the Graduating students. The Oath was administered by Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla to all the students. This was followed by the speeches by Dr. Prabhakar Rao and Prof. Satyanarayana Rao. Some students and parents narrated their memorable experiences at school. Some of them even burst out in tears as they couldn't come to terms to the fact that they were about to leave the school. Later a video comprising of all the wonderful memories of the 20 years of Abhyasa's journey was shown to the audience which rekindled moments of Joy and was appreciated by one and all. This was followed by a couple of superb dances by 8th, 9th and 11th graders and a mouth watering delicious dinner. Prof. Shastri proposed vote of thanks and Mr. Vinaayaka Kalleetla felicitated the Chief Guest with a shawl, memento and gifts. The evening ended with the singing of National Anthem.